I cannot even believe this day!  Very exciting in the fact that EVERYONE was working today, I had no trouble at all getting things accomplished because people were answering the phones, returning calls and sending back emails!!  My phone did not stop ringing from the time I woke up this morning until, well….I put it on the charger because I simply had to call it a day!  It could still be ringing!!  All great problems to have when you are in the party planning business, and boy do we have some great stuff coming up!!  Mardi Gras on the Square (San Marcos), Gala on the Green (Kyle) and Weddings, Weddings, Weddings!!  And the brides are coming out to plan right now, it turned 2010 and everyone decided it was time to buckle down and plan a wedding!!  BRING IT ON!!  I have been on the phone with brides ALL day, I love it!  Did I mention my husband is running for City Council in Kyle??!?!  So guess who is helping with all of the details of a campaign right now?  You guessed it, yours truly.  His party is Monday, with a little help from my friends we have planned this one in just about a week.  Well, there is definitely something to be said for doing what you love.  I don’t know how I would wake up in the morning if I didn’t wake up to the constant ring of a person calling to plan a party on the other end!!  Off to rest now, ’cause I’m back at it tomorrow!